Material Reservation in SAP: A Step-by-Step Guide for MB21, MB22, and Print Functions

Material Reservation in SAP: A Step-by-Step Guide for MB21, MB22, and Print Functions: Efficient inventory management is a key aspect of successful businesses. SAP provides robust tools to manage inventory, and reservations play a crucial role in ensuring accurate stock allocation and availability. This guide will help you navigate the process of creating and modifying reservations using the MB21 and MB22 transactions in SAP. Additionally, we will explore the print functions available to generate hard copies of reservations.

Material Reservation in SAP
Material Reservation

Understanding Reservations in SAP

What are Reservations?

In SAP, a reservation is a request to set aside a specific quantity of stock for a particular purpose, such as production, maintenance, or sales orders. It helps in ensuring that the required materials are available when needed, preventing shortages and production delays.

Importance of Reservations

Reservations provide several benefits to organizations, including:

  • Ensuring availability of materials for planned activities
  • Facilitating efficient planning and scheduling of resources
  • Reserving materials for critical orders or projects
  • Reducing the risk of stock-outs and production disruptions

Creating a Reservation (MB21)

Step 1: Accessing MB21 Transaction

To create a reservation in SAP, start by accessing the MB21 transaction. You can navigate to the transaction using the SAP menu path or by entering the transaction code directly.

Step 2: Entering Material and Plant Details

In the MB21 screen, enter the material number and the plant for which you want to create the reservation. These details will help SAP identify the specific stock item and its location.

Step 3: Selecting a Reservation Type

Choose the appropriate reservation type based on your requirements. SAP offers various reservation types, such as production reservations (PR), maintenance reservations (MR), and sales order reservations (SR).

Step 4: Defining Quantity and Date

Specify the required quantity of the material and the desired date for the reservation. This information helps in allocating the necessary stock and planning future material availability.

Step 5: Adding a Description (Optional)

Optionally, you can add a description to provide additional details about the reservation, such as the purpose or project name. This can be useful for reference and reporting purposes.

Step 6: Saving the Reservation

After reviewing the reservation details, save the reservation by clicking the save button. SAP will generate a unique reservation number, which you can use for future reference and tracking.

Modifying a Reservation (MB22)

Step 1: Accessing MB22 Transaction

To modify an existing reservation in SAP, access the MB22 transaction using the appropriate SAP menu path or transaction code.

Step 2: Searching for the Reservation

Enter the reservation number or use the search functionality to locate the reservation that you want to modify. SAP will display the reservation details for further editing.

Step 3: Making Changes to the Reservation

Make the necessary changes to the reservation, such as updating the quantity, date, or description. You can also change the reservation type if required.

Step 4: Saving the Modified Reservation

Once you have made the desired modifications, save the reservation. SAP will update the reservation details accordingly, ensuring accurate stock allocation.

Printing Reservations

Step 1: Accessing the Print Functions

To generate a hard copy of a reservation, access the print functions in SAP. You can find the print options within the transaction code used for reservations.

Step 2: Selecting the Appropriate Print Program

Choose the relevant print program based on the type of reservation and the desired format for printing. SAP provides various standard print programs for different types of documents.

Step 3: Defining Print Parameters

Specify the print parameters, such as the number of copies, paper format, and printer selection. You can also set additional options for formatting and layout customization.

Step 4: Printing the Reservation

After configuring the print parameters, initiate the printing process. SAP will generate a printed copy of the reservation, which can be used for documentation or distribution purposes.

Best Practices for Effective Reservation Management

To ensure efficient reservation management in SAP, consider the following best practices:

Tip 1: Clearly Define Reservation Types

Create a clear classification of reservation types based on the purpose, such as production, maintenance, or sales. This will facilitate easy identification and reporting of reservations.

Tip 2: Regularly Review and Update Reservations

Periodically review existing reservations to ensure their accuracy and relevance. Update or cancel reservations that are no longer required, allowing for optimal stock allocation.

Tip 3: Utilize Reporting Tools for Analysis

Leverage SAP’s reporting tools to analyze reservation data. Generate reports to gain insights into stock allocation, usage patterns, and potential areas for improvement.


Mastering reservation in SAP, specifically using the MB21 and MB22 transactions, along with the Print Functions, is essential for efficient inventory management. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can create, modify, and print reservations accurately, ensuring the availability of materials for planned activities and minimizing production delays.


Q: Can I delete a reservation in SAP?

Ans: Yes, you can delete a reservation in SAP by accessing the MB22 transaction, searching for the reservation, and selecting the delete option. However, it is recommended to review and update reservations regularly instead of deleting them outright.

Q: What happens if I create a reservation without sufficient stock in SAP?

Ans: If you create a reservation without sufficient stock in SAP, the system will notify you of the shortage. You can then take appropriate actions such as adjusting the quantity or rescheduling the reservation to ensure adequate material availability.

Q: Can I print multiple reservations at once in SAP?

Ans: Yes, you can print multiple reservations at once in SAP by selecting multiple reservation numbers in the print function and specifying the desired print parameters. This allows for efficient printing of multiple reservations in a single batch.

Q: Are reservations automatically deducted from stock in SAP?

Ans: No, reservations in SAP do not automatically deduct stock. Reservations serve as a request to set aside stock for a specific purpose. The actual stock allocation occurs when the reserved materials are issued or consumed.

Q: Can I transfer a reservation from one plant to another in SAP?

Ans: Yes, you can transfer a reservation from one plant to another in SAP by using the appropriate transfer transaction, such as MB26. This allows for seamless allocation of reserved materials across different plant locations.

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